Nahmii 2.0 greeting contract example

This is a very simple greeting smart contract. A message can be set on deployment and changed by anyone afterwards.

How to run the example project

  1. Open a command line terminal.

  2. Clone the repository.

  3. cd to the cloned project folder.

  4. Fetch and switch to the 'example' branch.

  5. cd to the example folder of your choice eg. cd greeter-example.

  6. Run yarn or yarn install.

  7. Update the mnemonic in the hardhat.config.js file with the one that contains wETH, account 1.

  8. To test the code, run npx hardhat --network nahmii test.

  9. To interact with the smart contract on the Nahmii 2 L2 network run npx hardhat --network nahmii console.

  10. To deploy the smart contract on the Nahmii 2 L2 network run npx hardhat --network nahmii run scripts/deploy.js.

Last updated